As design software technology is being developed at a rapid pace, at Aspera Design, we rely on research and development (R&D) to keep up with the latest trends. R&D is a key process in the development of our skills and deployment of high-quality services to our clients. In 2019, Autodesk invited Aspera Design to make a showcase how we use software workflows in design. Aspera was represented by Isaac Mutinda, Building Technologist, Brian Wasike- Interior Designer, and Kubai Koigi - Project Architect.

Aspera Design showcased different technological workflows in virtual reality as a design and presentation tool for interior design. This is to help communicate design intent as clearly as possible to clients and other consultants.

Secondly, we presented generative design as an emerging design method that leverages algorithmic computing to test out parameters around design scenarios this is to explore unknown possibilities to achieve an optimal design. We showcased a master plan where we used parameters to sub-divide parcels of land into equal acreage.
Lastly, we presented dynamo and how complex geometry can be developed. The showcase project was the Cytonn Towers façade design.